It's SOOO hard to write on here when school starts :/
I gotta get my B up in geometry and study for some REALLY important tests :/
And guess what else?
I have to add ANOTHER thing on top.
And that is ---- getting flat abs.
Believe it or not, but I'm starting to think that moms after their pregreancy have more success stories for flat abs then teens do! What the heck am I trying to say?
It's SUPER hard to get the scale to budge if your a teen (or like if your busy all the time)!
At school, espeiclally at your last hour, your ALWAYS hungry and your tummies are grumbling. So if there's like an apple pie coming in my way, which is about 1300 calories, I WOULD EAT IT
And then after like 5 minutes, I would SLAP myself because I was supposed to be on my diet....
So, this is MY dare to change my life! To get flat abs. And NO, I don't wear bikinis with clevage, I don't like showing my midriff (even if I DID have flat abs). I'm a pretty modest person. I mean, I'm in high school, but I don't even wear miniskirts without leggings! My parents would be okay with it if I did, but I just don't feel .... 'pretty'? Doing that. Makes me feel.... .... ... ( I don't cuss) haha
So, I know that probably if your reading this, your probably like the only person that is, because I don't have a lot of people who read this. So if you are, if you don't mind, can you support me? Maybe comment or something?
I'm gonna start eating healthier, hit the gym, but I can't do too much about my diet. So I gotta adjust it all here and there, because I have to eat what my mommy makes(:
So here's my PLAN (My DARE starts TOMORROW )
First, I'm gonna LOG everything that I eat in a food diary thing.
SUNDAY: Cardio T (treadmill) a jog- a mile or two miles at 4.9 or 5 mph without stopping
Pilates- at about an hour or a little above that
MONDAY: Workout A (fitness magazine) ** will explain below **
TUESDAY: Cardio T (treadmill) - same as SUNDAY
Pilates - same as sunday
WEDNESDAY: Workout B (fitness magazine) ** will explain below **
THURSDAY: Cardio E (elliptical) 30 minutes, cardio intervals
Pilates - same as sunday
FRIDAY: Workout A
SATURDAY: ONLY Cardio E (elliptical) 30 min - 45 min. cardio intervals
The fitness magazine thingie link:
Hopefully it'll work, it's the only plan that's free and on the internet(:
I HOPE (REALLY hope) that I'll get my flat abs in a month, but I WON'T GIVE UP for 2 months.
Herre wee goo! Today's my only 'free' day for the next 2 months....
BUTTT. I have a nice treat for me when I do get to my flat abs, and that's MOCHAAA!!! ANDDD CHOCOLATE CAKEEE! yeahhh babyy!
:) I'm happy I'm doing this in a way, but it's's like.....going in a haunted you're so curious to find out and all the surprises, but at the same time you're scared! haha (i'm really bad at analogies) haha
BYEBYE guys! I'm gonna post def. if I see results, lose some inches...I'm not weighing myself, I think my weight is fine, but I just don't like my midriff...haha(:
MUAH! oh yeah one more thing, is this your goal too!??! comment below or EMAIL ME (i'll get it faster) if you're getting results and pass it on to your friends! see if you get your flat abs too!
Sometimes, we're better motivated when we know others are doing it too! :D
My email?
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