Well, I checked out some skin care things around the web, and I put together a grand finale piece that has been doing me good.... :
My flour and yogurt cleanser. http://tsorain.blogspot.com/2010/10/heres-another-amazing-facial-cleanser.html
This is one of the weirdest cleansers, but it works amazingly...
If the link doesn't work, go to the 'skin care' tab and scroll down to the very last
This is when I come home from school.
Use OLIVE OIL to take off my makeup ( just take a cotton ball, with some drops of olive oil, and apply it on your face in circular motions)
Rub CUCUMBERS on my face real quick, just to cool down and reduce any puffiness
Put PLAIN YOGURT on my face for about 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off. (to keep the skin supple and cool everyday). I use a new art brush to apply the yogurt on my face, since it can carefully reach in places my hands can't..
Moisturize with Olive Oil, Coconut oil, or Eucerin. And then lock it in with petroleum jelly, so my skin doesn't become dehydrated.
It sounds (kinda) like a complicated routine, but it's really quite simple. I use sunscreen before I put on my primer, even though my foundation has SPF.
I can't live without: My everyday yogurt mask.
Without that, my skin would be all puffy and red all over...
I hope this helps some of you guys with summer, and it's skin time. I personally, have found out, that I get better skin with natural skin care. If YOU have any cool techniques or homemade recipes/ideas PLEASE email them to tsorain@gmail.com
I'll post it on here!
So tsorain@gmail.com <--- mail it!
lOVE! (: