Sunday, December 26, 2010

How I did at the gym...

I went to my gorgeous gym, and NO ONE was there! ha ha ha ! the good ole holidays!

Well, I went on the elliptical, put it on 45 minutes, and did it on a hill interval thing...I burned about 450 calories!

WOO! And at the same time, I was watching Toy Story 2, so it didn't even feel like I was working out! And then I felt my forehead, and it was sooo sweaty! ha ha

Pilates? Nah...

I now know that it's is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to do simply anything, except eating, when you come back from the gym... sooo hard...all you want to do is curl up on your couch and have a mocha...

Well, of course, I didn't have a mocha, but I did have dinner, and then I watched a movie.
Now, ... I think I might do my Pilates in the morning or before my shower. :D

Well, food plan is going fairly well, I had some good whole wheat stuff, and I had GRAPES (yes grapes!) for dessert. I know, I know, it's stupid and lame and all that stuff, but ice cream, cake, or anything is a big NO NO for me...


Have a wonderful day guys!
Oh lord, school starts in about a week...and we're back to the normal routine...and then after that, the only break is spring break....which is way in April! *sighs* oh man!

Well, anyways take care guys! Bye!

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