Sunday, May 6, 2012


So we all know that you can obviously get curly hair with a curling iron...but there are other ways to get the same hair...without all that unnesscary heat and damage to your hair.


-rubber bands/elastics 

-OPTIONAL: hairspray 

**NOTE: this might work better on damp hair than completely dry hair. try doing it with hair that's just a little wet....but more dry than wet. because if you do this with wet will come out just as normal wet hair. :) so make sure it's just a little damp 

here's how :) 

1) part your hair into about 3-4 sections. horizontally. so meaning, grab one at the crown (like a thin HALF ponytail). then the other one can start at the level of the ear. and so forth..

2)take each part, and secure it in a tight twisted bun. meaning put your finger in, and twist the hair (circle it around) the finger. take your finger out, and secure the bun with the rubberband. so you probably have like 3-4 little buns(: 

** remember, that the MORE buns and the TIGHTER you do them is going to give you tighter/smaller curls. the less and loose you do them, the more "wave like" hair you'll have. 

3)(optional): and then just hairspray em real quick, so they stay well (: "

-I suggest going to sleep with this, and in the morning, just take em out...and ta da! (hopefully! ) and you can also hairspray them so they stay all day! 

haha. ... oh and is pretty uncomfortable to sleep with this. just make sure you don't sleep on your back. try your side(: 

yuuup, so hope this works..and good luck! :D

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