Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why do girls wear so much makeup?

That's what lot of people ask...especially guys who don't understand why that one girl at lunch or down the street looks like a oompa loompa everytime he sees her.

But that's not say that guys are the only ones saying this. You probably already know that there are many girls who always diss other girls by saying "wow, it seems like she put on a pound of makeup" or "b****, I can wipe 90% of your "beauty" with a wet tissue".

First off, if you are wearing a smokey eye with bright blush, with red lips. yes, that is way too much. And honestly, I would probably diss someone who wears that kind of look. It's cool for 'once in a while' thing, but if thats your everyday makeup probably would be better to tone it down just a bit. Like I said, I'm not a professional makeup artist...but thats not exactly "natural"...atleast in my book.

And also for the girls that are ivory or pale...and then apply a LOT of bronzer or tanning bronze on their face...please calm down with all that. If you do wanna look tanner, you can still use it, just make sure that your body color (neck, chest..etc.) match. Yeah, but no matter WHAT skin tone you are...just embrace it. It's who you are :)

Anyways, here is the basic reasons:

1) MAKEUP enhances natural beauty. well, if your wearing the right amount. Your beautiful cheekbones shine a little bit better. Your eyes look more awake. Your lips look more kissable.

2) IMPERFECTIONS. I know that nowadays, they say 'imperfections' are beautiful. and IT'S TRUE. IT IS. But we all know that the world doesn't work that way. I have a lot of acne scars, blemishes, and discoloration. One quick layer of foundation does the job pretty well. And truth be told, if I didn't wear that foundation, I would probably walk the school hallways with my head down. It gives me confidence, to keep my head up, and smile. It gives me confidence, I open up to people more, and it gives me more opportunities to smile.

The funny thing, is that all the girls that diss people with makeup, probably have perfect skin...or don't have acne everywhere. and that's the thing. they don't know what its like to have acne ALL OVER YOUR FACE. Or discoloration. or dark circles. So I'm just saying, if you have clear skin...or pretty much clear skin, and your dissin people that wear a lot of foundation/concealer...I'm just saying, you might not know what it feels like to have things all over your face.

But I do admit...sometimes I don't understand why people with already, 'no makeup' natural face have perfect skin...and they pile on like 3 layers of foundation. If you have pretty good skin already, don't use the foundation to cover it all up! Haha, your already so blessed with beautiful skin! Try using a little less to make you look more awake and glowing...but don't cover it all up (:

So yeah. I dunno...I just kinda felt like posting this one. just for some random reason i guess.

smile <3
and take care

1 comment:

  1. Sure, in this day and age where makeup is 'needed' for any girl going outside the front door, you feel you need it just because the society pushes you.

    Most men don't wear makeup, still women get attracted to them. Do they all look hideous? No, and women don't either. It's just something that media has instilled in us from a young age.

    Frankly, I am so sick of seeing every woman I talk to wearing makeup. Why are people NEVER natural? I think natural is beautiful. People are much more beuautiful without foundation or mascara. Just that plain and simple, clean look.

    Regards from Sweden


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