Monday, November 22, 2010


So I finally got my butt up yesterday and hit the gym where I USED to do like 2 miles without stopping at about 5 mph. But then, for some reason I wasn't feeling it, and I didn't come again, and so now it feels like I have to start over again :/

RUNNING is AMAZING. Enough said.
It's like therapy for me. It's so amazing, it's how your mind and your body, your's amazing. The feel after you sit down and say "WOW. 2 miles. that's amazing."

Here are some tips from an EXPERIENCED, and FREQUENT runner (and what you'll need to get started):

For ALREADY runners:

-DO NOT stop running. Trust me, I've tried it. And boy it's starting from level one, aka 1 mile all over again. DO NOT stop running. If it's winter/fall, then go to a gym and run there. And in the summer, it doesn't really matter, but try to run outside. BUT with SUNSCREEN(: And if you can't run, then do YOGA, DANCE, JUMP ROPE..etc.

-STEP IT UP. You can't expect to see results if you just run a mile everyday. It's not a challenge for your body. You need to give it surprises. Maybe one day, it'll be a mile, and then the day after that, 3 miles, and then 2 miles...surprise yourself.
Don't let your body get accustomed to it. When your mind is bored, your BODY is bored.

-LISTEN to MUSIC. Listen to UPBEAT, EMINEM songs, songs that are empowering. I LOVE "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem ft. Rhianna. It keeps me in the game, and it makes me feel like I'm powerful and my body can do the last lap.

-SAY IT TO YOURSELF. When your beginning your next lap, say to yourself "Hello Lap Number 5, here we go. You say your tough? Well, baby, I'm tougher." I know, it sounds lame, but just do it. It makes you feel greattt!!!


(all things that apply to expierened)

-Bring Water
You WILL get thirsty, and your throat will be yucky. Don't let that happen. get in the fluids by having some fine H20...and don't go for the Gatorade, they just have sugar and H2o, fine simple pure water will do amazing for your body.

-A towel
If you sweat excessively, then be sure to bring a towel to soak it all up! Sweating can feel really uncomfortable, and makes you want to stop to dry it off. And once you stop, you don't wanna get back on that track. Believe me. So a towel at hand is a good thing.

-Chew gum
Chew gum ONLY if you promise not to choke on it. I can't do a workout with gum, it keeps my saliva running so I don't get a yucky and dry throat(:

-If your gonna watch TV, then be sure it's on eye level.
If the TV is above your head, and you have to lift your head to watch it...Don't watch it! It's gonna put strain on your neck!

-Listen to Music (above category)

-Put your hair up
Haha trust me! You're not gonna like it if your hair is all over the place!


Running is really really really good for your body.
Especially your heart.
Your heart is like your ENGINE to your body.
It's something that makes you want to do the things that you want to do, chasing after your kids, or designing fashion clothing.

So it's worth taking care of.

Treat your body like a temple. (:

What are some amazing alternatives to running?


Don't be fooled! Hula Hoop burns A LOT of calories!

My favorites are Dancing, Walking, and YOGA. I loveee yoga(:
For the days that you just don't wanna hit the gym, and have a nice relaxing day, YOGA is the perfect match.

If you wanna try it out, you should first maybe get some dvds from your public library or something, just to see if you like it or not, before you purchase a dvd.

Well I really hope this helps guys!
Physical Activity is really important in this world!
And remember, treat that beautiful face and body of yours like a temple!!

love scooby doo!

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