Friday, March 11, 2011


Everyone has imperfections; whether it be the zit of Mt. Everest, discoloration, or blemishes, puffiness...redness....

So I mean come on... no one has perfect skin. But...let's try to FAKE a flawless you look like Oh la la, someone's in town!

Okay, so here are the products that you need....:


-Foundation/Tinted Moisturizer (whatever you prefer)

- Conceal

-Setting Powder (or pressed powder)

-Lip color

-Bronzer (and blush if you wish)

-Eyeliner (if you wish)

Let's start off with PRIMER...

What is a primer first off....
It's like a barrier that keeps your makeup OFF you skin. As in, not letting your makeup sinking into your skin.

it does 3 main things..:

a) gives you a flawless canvas
b) helps create a barrier between your skin and makeup....(to makeup not sink in)
c) your makeup will stay on FOREVER

If you have fine lines and wrinkles; then try using a primer with silicone. It will fill in those wrinkles/fine lines in, so your foundation and other makeup don't settle in, and accent them even more.

For a primer, you don't need much. A little goes a longgg way.

Some good primers:

Cheap End: rimmel london fix and perfect primer
High End: Urban Decay Primer Potion


Okay, so when it comes to foundation, think of a cheerleading pyramid. if you base isn't strong, then your other's aren't going to turn out well. In the same way, if you don't apply and pick your foundation, your face won't look flawless.

Here's the link to my Foundation 101 Bootcamp:

if certain areas of your skin are red, then to cancel it, make sure you get a foundation that is YELLOWER than your skin color to cancel that out.

cheap end: loreal true match/rimmel foundations/almay foundations
High end: Laura Mercier


Concealer is your very best bet for covering up imperfects.
Concealer just be creamy, and very well pigmented, that way it will blend it in just right.

here is a link to cover up dark circles VERY WELL :

With the concealer, make sure you have nice pigments, and if you want to cancel the redness in zits, think the opposite of the color wheel. GREEN. and that's where that color concealer comes in.

Cheap ones: loreal true match super blendable concealer
High ends: laura mercier secret camouflage (5 stars!!) and bobbi brown concealers, and cover fx concealers


Bronzers are used to add more depth (contouring) and warmth to a face. You can contour very well with bronzers, to make your face look more slender (and sometimes make you look 5 pounds lighter!), and it can make your face look more dimensional and add in more depth.

here's a link for how to CONTOUR correctly (sorry if the link isn't here yet...working on it....)

cheap ones: Physician's Formula cashmere wear bronzer
high ends: smashbox bronzer lights


Setting Powder is super super important for a flawless face. A flawless face shouldn't just last 5 minutes. It should last atleast 6 hours. And if you don't set it, all that hard work of foundation, concealer and all that will just dissapear....

So MAKE SURE you set! Thankfully, it's the easiest step to do, so if you did forget it, you can quickly press some on.

Make sure your powder is Translucent powder, because it has no pigment or colors, so it won't mess with your hard work of makeup...

Some cheap ones: revlon photo ready translucent powder, e.l.f. setting powder
high ends: laura mercier setting powder, makeup forever


Pick your colors! make sure to line your lips with a lipliner so your lips will get more definition. and for your eyes...if you are getting boring with black eyeliner, then try brown or green!

NAVY BLUE eyeliner makes your eye brighter! (: jus. saying!


Hmm...don't have much to say....except here's the Blush 101 link: will walk you right through it...

Okay, so hope you guys now know how to get your easy flawless face! About 10 minutes!
I know that there are A LOT of links missing, but I am working on getting those posts up soon!

Now here's YOUR part in this:

Tell me what your makeup routine WAS and tell me if this new makeup routine was easier and looked better than your old one. and if it didn't ... then tell me your makeup routine! hahah I wanna try it out!

And Tell Me what makeup products you cannot possibly live without!

Mail me at ... (MAIL IT!)

sweet love, and hugee hug!

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